QLD Fertiliser Project


Sulphuric Acid Plant
Client: Lurgi and Becktel
Contractor: S & N Concreting & Constructions
Contracted to supervise civil road works, drainage and major conduits installation.

Contract value $8.0 million



For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please call (07) 3829 1577 or fill out the following form

  • Head Office

    Perry O’Brien Engineering Pty
    German Church Road Quarry
    505-609 German Church Road
    Redland Bay, QLD 4165

    Phone (07) 3829 1577
    Email admin@perryobrien.com.au

  • Postal address

    PO BOX 3777
    Victoria Point West Qld 4165

  • ABN 39 077 375 207

  • Suppliers